- finding nothing is
- nothing like what it's like to
- not find anything
- not every port will
- see you through the storm and be
- safe when the storm ends
- even the concept
- of mental models is just
- a mental model
- the stories we tell
- to ourselves about our lives
- are not always true
- it is not about
- making great art; it's about
- art making life great
- something will kill you
- in the end - don't let that thought
- kill you before then
- living in time is
- strange to me, and it's strange that
- I find that so strange
- what's strange is that it's
- not strange because it is strange
- and we don't notice
- it has always been
- like this, in that it's never
- been like this before
- may your happiness
- not depend on life always
- being just pleasant
- equanimity
- nothing harshes this mellow
- learn to be at peace
- when thoughts emerge, feel
- the temptation to be moved
- observe them unmoved
- the goal is to have
- no more goals; the trick is to
- use no tricks at all
- can I sit with this
- desire to narrate life
- and not act on it?
- any clinging to
- the ephemeral ends with
- empty arms grasping
- the experience
- of experience is all
- I experience
- the experience
- of no experience is
- hard to imagine
- if what you seek is
- an end to all seeking then
- you are truly lost
- until I noticed
- I didn't even notice
- I didn't notice
- this is the story
- of refraining from stories
- hear the silence now
- this is the moment
- that I've been concerned about
- all my life; thrive now
- finding this moment
- what else have I been missing
- while tangled in thought?
- when am I alive
- if planning and memories
- fill every moment?
- when silence fails, try:
- brevity, simplicity,
- and parsimony
- when clarity feels
- so clear that I'm transparent
- simplicity reigns
- perceptions of the
- outside world, perceptions of
- thought, simply arise
- trapped in the head trips
- we mistake those head trips for
- our actual lives
- when locality
- as a thought form disappears
- reality floats
- this is pure torment:
- ongoing mental chatter
- drowning out the void
- this is paradise:
- the quiet of my own mind
- simply observing
- The "I" I think lives
- my experience is just
- experience too.
- because self is a
- thought, or an overtone to
- thought, it vanishes
- when awareness is
- filled with perception alone
- self can not be found
- self is narratives
- death is decomposition
- stories unravelled
- this first person voice
- which appears in consciousness
- likes to think it's me
- I am a story
- I tell myself ~ silence now
- reveals clarity
- stop the narrative
- find solace in the silence
- transcend that small self
- when my mind is rapt
- in the current moment, self
- ceases to exist
- this subjective life,
- mysterious to its core,
- thoughts emerge from where?
- why did I do that?
- even I can't be certain
- about my motives
- I cannot choose this:
- the extent to which a choice
- feels volitional
- volition is just
- one of many overtones
- arising with thought
- what authors my thoughts?
- my consciousness receives them
- whole from deep within
- try to think a thought
- before your inner voice speaks
- I can not do this
- the you you accept
- as you is that voice inside -
- you hear, not author
- subjectivity
- confirms determinism
- when observed closely
- determinism
- is not fatalism's twin -
- actions do matter
- the me who chooses
- my choices is not the me
- who I think I am
- no one else chooses
- my choices; it's just me, but
- not my conscious self
- my conscious mind does
- not make decisions; it is
- informed once they are made
- despite how it seemed
- my mind was simply misplaced
- not lost completely
- forgetting that I
- am able to remember -
- that thought vanishes
- it shows poor judgment
- to judge yourself so harshly
- mellow out a bit
- take seriously
- your moral duty to be
- not so serious
- be at peace knowing
- you will never be at peace
- this is life - just laugh
- don't let distraction
- distract you from focusing
- on your distractions
- Dear Captain Ahab,
- sometimes white whales just happen
- learn to live with it
- I would rather be
- not thinking I'd rather be
- thinking something else.
- you are mistaken
- it's not that I am bitter;
- I'm just well seasoned
- I'm American
- what gadget can I purchase
- to solve my problems?
- see hedonistic
- habituation at play -
- I still want more toys
- thirty years ago
- no bra was sexy - now it's
- a tripping hazard
- composing verses
- about the need for silence
- laughing at myself
- liberally apply
- patience and sense of humor
- be kind to yourself
- I will be screaming,
- "Rosenhan seventy three!"
- from my strait jacket
- my only problem
- is that I think I have a
- problem when I don't
- I'm feeling profound
- success habituation.
- There's still more to do.
- find yourself losing
- yourself until laughter is
- all that's left of you
- a life well lived is
- not predicated on the
- absence of all pain
- heed the hero's call:
- rip bravado's thin veneer,
- weep with tenderness
- with lighthearted joy
- find the needless suffering
- purge it from your life
- when you must resist
- that which I have never craved
- moral praise is yours
- fear is an illusion
- the future remains unknown
- plan, but abide now
- the paradox of
- placebos: strong delusions
- become what is real
- from my point of view
- an effective placebo
- is the cure I sought
- corticosteroids
- set brevity on fire
- with manic mayhem
- brevity lost to
- prednisone's verbosity
- rediscovered here
- brevity returns
- in packets of seventeen
- syllables like these
- I must learn to tame
- this raging desperation
- patience is long gone
- suffering and pain
- are never commensurate
- when at peace with truth
- this rumination
- reflecting on reflecting
- is its own problem
- endless recursion
- tangles the mind in itself
- laugh about the void
- rumination's end
- is this moment lived fully
- mindful and awake
- here in my body
- only ten percent of cells
- are mine, are human
- my microbiome
- owns ninety five percent of
- active genes in me
- biofeedback is
- quantifying my mellow
- please, friend, don't harsh it
- what freezes mellow?
- ontological fantods
- howl at me like ice
- this breath connects me
- to every breath since my birth
- and each until death
- before my first breath
- mother's each breath links backwards
- to mother's first breath
- follow these linked breaths
- the chain stretches back in time
- to the dawn of life
- with each breath you take
- savor that true connection
- sense that majesty
- the end of pain marks
- a pragmatic forgiveness
- love transforms the harm
- find the safest place
- it is very often right here
- where you are right now
- fear is the flavor
- of some anticipated
- distant suffering
- the uncertainty
- may fuel that powerful fear
- sit at peace with it
- do not fear that which
- may never enter your life
- plan without that pain
- if, in this moment,
- I'm inured to what is real
- past worries were amiss
- all the fears I've felt
- were about this moment now
- I am just fine
- when fear overwhelms
- take refuge in the present
- it is all that's real
- soften those demands
- not striving for more progress
- is itself progress
- motion causes pain
- agony in every step
- migraines force stillness
- vampire migraine
- ghostly pale, light is fatal
- stay still in darkness
- migraine altered states
- have no street value - money
- can't buy or sell them
- sudden exhaustion
- as if my brain were on fire
- and spent all its fuel
- rejoining the world
- after migraine induced sleep
- I am lost, strange, warm
- this migraine malaise
- settles like fog obscuring
- all that might be clear
- lost in migraine haze
- the world is mired in fuzz
- what was I saying?
- contrast youth with age
- all body and not much mind
- time tips that balance
- hoping can distract
- from the real work of coping
- with life just as it is
- become inured to
- the reality of death
- this is true wisdom
- teen age and mid-life:
- my body never behaved
- quite like that before
- giving up all hope
- to embrace reality
- is life affirming
- beware your own mind
- if you care about the truth
- don't fall for its lies
- notice how sweetly
- fictional tales seduce you
- comfort is not truth
- prefrontal cortex
- is willing, however the
- amygdala's weak
- to be a skeptic
- is to finely calibrate
- your bullshit filters
- fallacy phantoms
- distorting all we perceive
- haunt us with strangeness
- shots then autism
- post hoc ergo propter hoc
- inoculate them
- that we do not know
- is the hardest thing to see
- belief feels so safe
- sunk cost fallacy
- devotion to failed efforts
- wastes time and money
- no evidence here
- argument from ignorance
- some god takes credit
- wishful thinking fills
- gaps in our understanding
- ignorance breeds hope
- we ignore data
- when the facts fail to support
- what we hope is true
- we attend closely
- to evidence which supports
- the truth we long for
- that which is sacred
- deserves our close scrutiny
- and sharp attention
- living life well past
- two standard deviations
- savoring the tails
- sample size of one
- zero degrees of freedom
- what will be will be
- in this average life
- where the mean can be so mean
- take refuge in tails
- a skeptic's life is
- immersion in emergence
- taste complexity
- ideology
- often obscures perception
- hiding what is true
- ideology:
- this is what my tribe believes
- do not question it
- moral fortitude
- keeps belief in proportion
- to the evidence
- skeptical ethics
- celebrates uncertainty
- which softens all hearts
- all arguments are
- tautological except
- for those which are not
- two ints and a String
- walk into a code review
- scrutinized to bits
- dead-end rabbit holes
- cause dents in my desk where I
- bang my head all day
- if the code you called
- does not respond, let it go,
- clear the cache, be still
- who knew what havoc
- a carriage return might wreak
- bad, bad, char thirteen
- between the try and
- the catch a coder's visions
- will shatter or hatch
- never check in code
- on a Friday afternoon
- or when you're tired
- that code snip should be
- "NOT IN" not "in" otherwise
- the logic is wrong
- swimming in these code
- snippets, I'm led to the place
- where nothing follows
- I have spent my days
- in ecstatic coding haze
- transcending logic
- it's a day of much
- technical difficulty
- and little progress
- in this script you'll hear
- the sound of one hand typing
- thanks, AutoHotKey
- so, obviously
- it's not something obvious
- causing the problem
- just take this import
- one field at a time, patience
- at each line of code
- in order for the
- code to run, it must first be
- written, compiled
- the code will run as
- it was written; if you want
- something else, write that
- the code may be well
- written, but you get nothing
- until you call it
- after death, the bugs
- you did not fix will become
- someone else's task
- gremlins planting bugs
- help pollinate this software
- code changes blossom
- swimming in these code
- snippets, I'm led to the place
- where nothing follows
- the open parens,
- number nine's alter ego,
- begs for zero's close
- that logic still haunts
- all developers who dared
- to comprehend it
- in vb there is
- no null ~ there's just nothing and
- also not nothing
- much sighing happens
- while waiting for localhost
- doldrums of the void
- I sit and think and
- type until the pain is extreme:
- this is binge coding.
- many suffer from
- solitude anxiety ~
- programmers, rarely
- I show up and I
- do what they tell me to do
- and they send paychecks.
- if flowers thrive on
- bullshit, I too can survive
- and thrive at this job
- this is what spills out
- when minds get locked in meetings
- and crack wide open
- if it isn't an
- intermittent null pointer,
- coder, be at peace
- progress is moving
- to the next error message;
- one line at a time
- taking it one line
- of code at a time is the
- way of wise coders
- this machine virus
- haunts us like covid-19
- will this ever end?
- confusion on the
- part of developers is
- not to be ignored
- communication
- skills include writing haiku
- for fellow coders
- weekend push? hot fix?
- stored procedures? binaries?
- these builds fog the mind
- I was looking for
- my cursor. This delayed my
- meeting un-muting.
- concatenate and
- minify and obfuscate
- serve it up like that
- the first noble truth
- of software development:
- change is a constant
- constants may never
- change but change is a constant
- in the world of code
- I have spent my days
- in ecstatic coding haze
- transcending logic
haiku and code © 2012-2023 cynzu